Infrastructure as Text (IaT) with GPT4: A Natural Abstraction over Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Amartya Mandal
3 min readJun 6, 2023

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has revolutionized the way organizations manage and deploy their IT infrastructures. It has turned static, manual processes into dynamic, automated ones, enabling faster and more efficient deployment and maintenance. But as we continue to push the boundaries of technological innovation, a new concept has begun to emerge: Infrastructure as Text (IaT).

IaT takes the principles of IaC one step further, I’ve been pondering over IaT, a new terms I am trying to coin, that marries the principles of IaC with the power of Generative AI (GenAI). Instead of diving deep into scripting infrastructure setup, IaT simplifies this task by expressing the specifications in natural language. A fantastic idea, right? I believe it’s the next big thing that could revolutionize IT infrastructure management.

This idea is about minimizing the complexities of managing infrastructure configurations in the face of rapidly adopting cloud technologies, microservices, and containerization. Instead of requiring in-depth knowledge of scripting languages and specific IaC tools, IT personnel can express the desired state of the system in natural language. This approach is particularly beneficial for large organizations, where the knowledge of internal IT systems is often embedded in extensive documentation written in natural language.

How Does IaT Work?

The concept of IaT works by training a GenAI model on an organization’s internal data — documentation, wikis, guidelines, etc. The model can then generate Infrastructure as Code based on the desired specifications expressed in natural language. This eliminates the need to manually script configurations, reduces the risk of human error, and makes the process more efficient and scalable.

The use of GenAI, with its inherent ability to learn and adapt, means that the outputs it generates can be made modular and reusable. These outputs could form the basis of a configuration library that can be repurposed across multiple scenarios and environments.

Co-existing with Infrastructure as Code

IaT does not aim to replace IaC. Instead, it serves as an abstraction layer, making IaC more accessible and easy to manage. This abstraction allows for easy replacement or modification of the underlying IaC tools or frameworks if necessary, without needing to redo the entire infrastructure setup. Moreover, it increases the transparency of the infrastructure setup, making it easier for IT personnel to understand the current state of the system and diagnose any issues that arise.

The IaT approach enables organizations to leverage the full power of their existing knowledge base. It also allows organizations to retain and upskill their existing workforce, rather than needing to constantly hire new personnel with specific skill sets.

Addressing the Elephant in the Room: Security

I can’t talk about GenAI and IaT without touching on security. Yes, powerful AI models can pose risks, and we need to handle them responsibly. While IaT holds promise, it’s crucial to have robust security measures in place when implementing such solutions. But hey, let’s focus on the positives here and the transformative impact IaT could bring to IT infrastructure management.

Concluding Thoughts

The IaT approach to IT infrastructure management represents a paradigm shift in how we think about and interact with our IT systems. It has the potential to drastically reduce the time, cost, and complexity of infrastructure management, leading to more resilient and adaptable IT infrastructures.

By bridging the gap between the technical and non-technical, IaT ensures that IT infrastructure management is no longer a domain exclusive to those with specific technical expertise. It democratizes access, ensuring that anyone who understands the organization’s needs can contribute to the design and management of the IT infrastructure.

Now, I understand this is all pretty new and a little abstract. So, I’ve prepared a demo to walk you through a simple implementation of IaT. Check out the following video and let me know what you think!

